Simplify your work with Information Management
Digitizing your content flows to smoothen business processes and make teams happier.
Let's get you to focus on tasks that matter.
Access and share information effortlessly
Organize information access internally and externally, between staff and partners. It will save time and fosters a sense of collaboration among stakeholders.
No more content silos and paper archives
Digitization eliminates content silos and paper archives, saving physical space. Save money spending on extended cloud or physical storage spaces.
Stay ahead of the competition
Faster response times and optimized service will improve customer satisfaction; the best way to stay competitive in the long run.
Keep employees and clients happy
Losing or not finding data is a huge demotivator for both employees and clients. Making all the information systems work well will make everyone happy.
Easily follow compliance and regulation
Digitization enables your company to meet compliance and regulation more easily. It could otherwise cost extra money and create reputational damage.
Great for the planet
Going paperless is great for the environment as it reduces the company’s impact on natural resource consumption.
Your digital transformation partner
We provide an expert review of your company's current Enterprise Information Management situation. We'll develop an EIM strategy based on the review and your business purposes.
Get a Subject Matter Expert at your side for an ECM maturity assessment or quick wins in your digital transformation.
Involving and managing the different stakeholders including external resources demand standing, planning a clear view on budget and business requirements.
Joachim Freitag, Partner IseoLabs
“How do you choose the best information management solution for your team when the number of options and information is overwhelming?
Our years of experience implementing ECM projects will guide you through the selection process.”

Let’s talk about content digitization
We help business owners to focus on their core business and give leadership support to Information Management. Let's talk about how we can help you to deliver yet even more value, quickly set up a meeting with one of our experts.
Companies who chose to simplify their business processes
SharePoint Intranet 2.0 for ESMO
Lista Office LO
ECM Pre-Study Research
Swiss Bank
ECM Pre-Study Research
Download our free content digitization checklist
What content digitization is;
How your company can benefit from it;
The first critical steps to stay competitive, boost efficiency and productivity.

At IseoLabs, we love to turn your complexity into simplicity! We help business owners to focus on their core business and give leadership support to Information Management.
What our clients say
Thomas Friederich IT Manager, Lista Office LO
“Without IseoLabs' expert advice we would not have managed this ECM selection process. On the basis we worked out together, we were able to make a well-founded decision and chose a provider that we might not have had our sights on without IseoLabs.”
Cesare Melchiorri, Head of ESMO ITDS Department
“Already after almost a month of use, we can say that the deployed solution and documents migration performed during the Christmas holidays was successful. We have now provided support to all departments and individually to most users. Although ESMO is still adapting and learning new ways of working, we are pleased with this success. I would like to thank everyone for their support and good work on the SharePoint project.”
Erwin Baumann IT Manager, Spühl GmbH
“IseoLabs guided us pragmatically, experienced, and with vision through the deep DMS jungle. The graphical presentation of the results of the requirement analysis and the mapping to the DMS providers facilitated our argumentation towards our stakeholders enormously and also the sudden switch to the European scope was possible without further effort.”

Tap into 25 years of Information Management experience
Curious to find out how content digitization accelerates your business? One of our experts is happy to share the quick and long-term wins. During this 60-minutes session, we’ll investigate your current situation, goals, possible gaps, and share our knowledge and insights.